Monday 9 July 2012

Religion stuff from the week 2-8/7/12

'New report on homophobic bullying shows continuing problems among ‘faith’ schools'
Cult schools are still houses for abusive behaviour, and they're showing no intention of doing anything about it.
I am not surprised.

Religious zealotry is threatening priceless scientific and historical artefacts in Timbuktu, Mali.

Bullying by the Caleb Foundation - a Christian creationist cult in Ireland - has resulted in the National Trust lending tacit support to Christianist bullshit at the Giant's Causeway!
Your exhibits are for educating, NT - don't insert fatuous beliefs in, at pure expense - no benefit!

I've ranted that Pride parades aren't helping, before, but come on - there's no contention here - protesting a Gay Pride parade while it's going on is homophobic hatred. They're deliberately doing it to intimidate the paraders.

Because of dowries, in the UAE, 60% of single women are over the age of 30. What a crap culture! Dowries are basically the purchase of the woman, from their father's family. Stupid beliefs harm!

'Can Saudi women really compete at the 2012 Olympics?'
"There are no written laws that prohibit Saudi women from participating in sports. However, they are not allowed into stadiums and cannot rent sports venues.
Furthermore, there is no physical education for girls in public schools, and no women-only hours at swimming pools. The few gyms that admit women are prohibitively expensive for most.
Women cannot register sports clubs, league competitions and other female-only tournaments with the government.
Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Brunei are the only three countries never to have sent female athletes to the Olympics."
Shit culture, yet again. What can i say?
It doesn't have to be written down to be a rule - All Religions achieve control without scripture - the scribbles are merely a symptom of the superstition.

'Court-ordered virginity tests for Iraqi women'
Institutionalsied misogyny in Iraq - scapegoating women for the shortcomings and insecurities of their male 'guardians'

'Sabbath birth puts infant’s life in jeopardy'
Batshit judaism -- again!

Yeeah - mini success!
'Girl Guides in Australia drop their promise to serve God and the Queen'
"The pledge to do one’s duty to God, which is still a membership requirement for Scouts and Girl Guides in the UK, is discriminatory, because it effectively bars atheists from membership.  The British Humanist Association (BHA) welcomes the decision by Girl Guides Australia, and calls on the Scouts and Girl Guides in the UK to drop the requirement to swear loyalty to God in their membership oaths."

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